(You Were Like a Wild Chrysanthemum)
(Bon à rien)
(Jeune fille sous le ciel bleu)
(Jeune fille sous le ciel bleu)
(Jeune fille sous le ciel bleu)
(You Were Like a Wild Chrysanthemum)
(Nuages au crépuscule)
(Le Bon Démon)
(Une auberge à Osaka)
(Une auberge à Osaka)
(Le Jardin des femmes)
(Le Bal de la famille Anjo)
(Un amour pur de Carmen)
— Sometimes an empty page presents more possibilities.
— I guess you really like poetry then?
— I breathe poetry.
— So you write poetry?
— Yes… My notebooks.
— Oh, yeah.
— My poetry only in Japanese. No translation.
— Poetry in translations is like taking a shower with a raincoat on.
This metaphor is usually used in a different context : “Some men claim that using a condom is like taking a shower with a raincoat on ” (Nass, Libby, Fisher, Sexual Choices: An Introduction to Human Sexuality, 1984, p. 366)