– Yes. Come in. Come in.
– If I come in, does the door get closed?
– Naturally.
– Then I don’t come in.
– Why not?
– You know why not. You’re grown up.
– My dear Mrs. Pickett…
– Miss Pickett. And don’t butter me up.
– I have conducted my affairs behind closed doors for 20 years.
– Not with me.
– You overestimate both of us. Have it your way.
Prof. Rodney Elwell (Hume Cronyn) and Miss Sarah Pickett (Margaret Hamilton, the Wicked Witch of the West)
She’s so gay tonight
She’s like spring tonight
She’s a rollicking, frollicking thing tonight
So disarming, soft and charming
She is not thinking of me
No, she’s not thinking of me
(Lerner and Lowe, Waltz at Maxim’s)
CLO-CLO. What did they say before the bad card came up?
MARIA. You’ll meet a rich man and he will give you money.
CLO-CLO (disdainfully). You and your cards. Meet a richman! I look for them with money. What rich man hasn’t money. And for what was I born if it wasn’t for money? You’re not telling me anything.
Screen Play by Ardel Wray
from the novel Black Alibi by Cornell Woolrich