Author: denis_neyruda
Peace and quiet is for libraries
Vous voulez passer ?
On y va !
She’s so gay tonight
She’s like spring tonight
She’s a rollicking, frollicking thing tonight
So disarming, soft and charming
She is not thinking of me
No, she’s not thinking of me
(Lerner and Lowe, Waltz at Maxim’s)
Oh, so gay tonight
CLO-CLO. What did they say before the bad card came up?
MARIA. You’ll meet a rich man and he will give you money.
CLO-CLO (disdainfully). You and your cards. Meet a richman! I look for them with money. What rich man hasn’t money. And for what was I born if it wasn’t for money? You’re not telling me anything.
Screen Play by Ardel Wray
from the novel Black Alibi by Cornell Woolrich
Amo la solitudine
I love you. — Maybe
It’s not very nice to lie
Nothing. You know nothing
I’m not eager to face life again
You’re way off
They have no memories, no plans
J’étais à l’heure
Combien de câlins
Combien de châtaignes
Pour faire une belle fille comme moi
Pour une paire de claques
Je fais voir mes jambes
I never ask, “How much?”
Y en a qui supputent
Que je suis une pute
Et ils s’balancent
De ma conscience
Mais quand j’ouvre la bouche
C’est pas pour les mouches
Ç’a quand même du bon… la science
Some bad hat, Harry