Tag: Metaphors
Le mien était plus grand
Le mien est tombé le premier
I bet you told her all your trees were Sequoias
From where I sat it looked as though you were conjugating some irregular verbs
They all start out as Juliets and wind up as Lady Macbeths
If I were a salad I know I’d be splashing my dressing
You choke the chicken before any big date don’t you?
La cuisse ou l’aile ?
You want a leg or a breast ?
I was just nibbling on something
Oh my God he doesn’t flog the dolphin before a big date!
Tell me you spank the monkey before any big date.
Are you crazy? That’s like going out there with a loaded gun!
I bet you’re no shrimp in the cock department
Je sortais avec mon fusil chargé
Holy shit! I’ve been going out with a loaded gun.
Alright I think you’re all set. So just go clean the pipes and lets go.
Une femme, ce n’est pas une auto
A wife isn’t like a car, you just don’t trade her in after a year for the latest model
A woman is a hole, isn’t that what they say? All the futility of the world pouring into her.
Altar Keane : Vern, when you come to a fenced range, do you always try to climb over it?
Vern Haskell : I always see if the gates open, first.
As serious as a heart attack
On dirait deux boudins antillais
T’es comme un canard sur la mare
Le Texas est une femme, disait-elle
On dirait le Cap. Bligh
It depends on the way we handle it. It’s like a dame