Those feet are big, even for enlightened days.

Those feet are big, even for enlightened days.
Cathy: Thief or servant were all you were born to be – or beggar beside a road. Begging for favors. Not earning them, but wimpering for them with your dirty hands.
Heathcliff: That’s all I have become to you – a pair of dirty hands… Well – have them, then (he slaps her face). Have them where they belong.
They’ve got big feet for sing-song girls, don’t they ?
—They don’t bandage the feet nowadays, these are enlightened days.
—Those feet are big, even for enlightened days.
I’m thinking. Look at my forehead : all wrinkled
How do you shave in there ?
How would you like a punch in the nose?
I hope they don’t hang you, Precious, by that sweet neck
—The arrangement of your features is not entirely repulsive to me.
— Oh, thank you. Thank you. Don’t you think in time, you might go a little further than that?
—I have not seen the rest of you.