Right now I’d do anything for money. I’d kill somebody for money. I‘d kill you for money. Ha ha ha. Ah, no. You’re my friend. I’d kill you for nothing.
(Le livre dans lequel Clarence a écrit ces mots est The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)
I have a lot of good friends in Paris. A lot of very good friends.
L’amitié avec un homme ? Autant parler de la lune en plein midi !
I cannot explain it. Gemütliche Kameraderie which exists among no other people.
Ricky: Holding hands with a man makes me terribly uncomfortable.
Jean: It is a sign of friendship in many countries.
Ricky: Yeah, well, not in ours.
I was just thinking how nice it would be if we could live here. I could do without sex. I don’t really like it that much. If I could just feel – complete.
— I caught her in bed with my best friend.
— What did you do to him?
— I shot her
— What? What about him?
— He was my best friend.