What a miserable liar : he was telling me the truth
There’ll be plenty of trouble
They’ll pay good and plenty for that
People don’t talk to me like that.
You go too far, Marlowe.
You teenage wolf! you male Lolita!
As far as I’m concerned there couldn’t be enough of you
There is something so sensual about forensic autopsy, isn’t there?
Pa’ used to say : “Love is kind of like the measles : you only get it once ; the older you are the tougher it goes. “
— Checkmate! Checkmate.
— What? We haven’t started yet.
— You would have opened with the Queen’s Gambit. I would have countered with a Slav Defense. You would have panicked, thus exposing your queen. Seeing your queen exposed would have compelled you to defend her. Thereby neglecting my castle. Checkmate.
Neither throw your pearls before the pigs, lest perhaps they trample. them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces. (Matthew 7 :6)
Oh ! l’amour ! dit-elle, c’est être deux et n’être qu’un (Notre-Dame de Paris)
… stay quiet when you wanna think.
And her tears flowed like wine
Yes, her tears flowed like wine
She’s a real sad tomato
She’s a busted Valentine
Knows her mama done told her
That her man is darned unkind
(And Her Tears Flowed Like Wine, lyrics by Joe Greene, music by Stan Kenton and Charles Lawrence, 1944)