(Le livre dans lequel Clarence a écrit ces mots est The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)
Tag: Literature
Words, words, words
(“Why should we be in such desperate haste to succeed”, Henry David Thoreau, Walden, or Life in the Woods)
Elle marche pareille en beauté à la nuit
Si je prenais soin d’une douce gazelle
“I never nursed a dear gazelle, to glad me with its soft black eye. — But when it came to know me well —… and love me, it was sure to die.” (Thomas More, Lalla Rookh,1817)
Cicéron ?
Une inspiration poétique
(Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 1852)
They all start out as Juliets and wind up as Lady Macbeths
– Oh wasn’t it Shakespeare who said: “When strangers do meet in far off lands they should ere long see each other again”?
– Shakespeare never said that!
Dostoïevski a dû l’écrire
Dostoevsky wrote that menu
1956 ? — C’est exact
“I am the master of my destiny. I am the captain of my soul” (William Ernest Henley)
Your self esteem is like a notch below Kafka’s
J’ai étudié la littérature anglaise
Anna Karénine
Non, c’est un poète inconnu, Byron
A beauty still more beautiful in death
(“Tu marches sur des morts, Beauté, dont tu te moques”, Baudelaire, Hymne à la beauté)
Why did you ever come to call ? For in this far forgotten spot, we never should have met at all. And all this pain, so burning hot, I might have missed (Pouchkine, Eugène Onegine)
Elle se remit à rêver
(Pouchkine, Eugène Onegine)
“And when I can no longer see thy face… thy voice will reach me like a song.”
(vers de Dalton Trumbo, scénariste du film, inspiré par Evangeline de Longefellow : “Art thou so near unto me, and yet thy voice does not reach me”?)