Author: denis_neyruda
You are so naive


You no-account, two-faced dog

You fucking bitch

Heartless, horrible, cowardly, despicable
Cruelle, idiote, sans cœur, lamentable, lâche, méprisable

You dummy, I love you

In love? What’s that?

« Après la mort, faire l’amour, c’est une façon de compenser. On a besoin de se prouver qu’on existe. »

If you love someone, you must believe in him

Patricia : Tu aimes cette affiche ? [Renoir, La Petite Fille au ruban bleu]
Michel : Pas mal.
Patricia : C’est un très grand peintre, Renoir.
Michel : J’ai dit pas mal.
Patricia : Est ce que tu la trouves plus jolie que moi ?
Michel : Dès que tu as peur ou que tu es étonnée, tu as un drôle de reflet dans les yeux. Je voudrais recoucher avec toi à cause de ce reflet. Je peux pisser dans le lavabo ?

I can no longer love

Je suis romantique, si romantique
I’m romantic, so romantic
That I often wish I had a more discreet heart
But believe me, please believe me
When I tell you that I haven’t got a sweetheart

Would you like to be the love of my life for always, and always watch over me?
To square my blunders and share my dreams
One day with caviar, next day a chocolate bar.
(Artie Shaw, Johnny Mercer, “Would you like to be the love of my life”)

Look up “friction”
Claris (Mimsy Farmer) : Here’s a dictionary with all the naughty words underlined.
Clayboy (James MacArthur) : Oh, I’ve seen all those.
— Look at this one.
— Holy smoke! How did you find them?
— Study hours. Look at that. Soon as you find out what they all mean, better erase the underline : I know them all by heart anyway. Look up “friction.” The girls at the academy thought it was a dirty word, so they went around saying “friction, friction.”
— It does sound dirty. Well, what do you know?
— Isn’t that a kick? Now if you’ll just friction me a little, I’ll ride home to supper.
— You are nuts.
— Go ahead, or I’ll start screaming.
— OK, scream… All right, all right. What do you want me to do?
— Just friction me for 10 seconds. That’s all you get this time.

That’s a fancy name for murder

Klaatu barada nikto

Comment trouvez-vous mon français ?

Romanov kaviar
Would you like to be the love of my life for always, and always watch over me?
To square my blunders and share my dreams
One day with caviar, next day a chocolate bar.
(Artie Shaw, Johnny Mercer, “Would you like to be the love of my life”)

Would you like to be the love of my life for always, and always watch over me?
To square my blunders and share my dreams
One day with caviar, next day a chocolate bar.
(Artie Shaw, Johnny Mercer, “Would you like to be the love of my life”)

Orchiski chocolat…
Would you like to be the love of my life for always, and always watch over me?
To square my blunders and share my dreams
One day with caviar, next day a chocolate bar.
(Artie Shaw, Johnny Mercer, “Would you like to be the love of my life”)

Pretty car

A Frenchman here

To leave it undone will cost us England

For the night is already at hand, and it is well to yield to the night.
(Homer, Illiad, Book VII, v. 282)