None of our leaders give a damn!

Ricky: Holding hands with a man makes me terribly uncomfortable.
Jean: It is a sign of friendship in many countries.
Ricky: Yeah, well, not in ours.
Woo, those are harsh words to throw at a man. Especially when he’s walking out of your bedroom.
I was just thinking how nice it would be if we could live here. I could do without sex. I don’t really like it that much. If I could just feel – complete.
There is something so sensual about forensic autopsy, isn’t there?
— What’s an onanist?
— He… Let’s see. He pours his own… tea. […] On a daily basis, he creams his own eclair. He is Romeo and Juliet.
— He likes to create his own… sauce.
— You don’t look like a man who would be interested in first editions.
— I collect blondes and bottles, too.
I liked that
I’d like more
— I’m an existentialist.
— You’re a what ?
— I’m an ex… Isn’t that the right word ?
— I would say “exhibitionist” is more to the point.
— What’s an existentialist, then ?
— Well it’s slightly more complex than romping around naked.
— Then I must be the other thing, what you said before.