Category: Get well soon, health
Certainly better than a stab in the eye with a sharp stick
With all due respect, Mr. Burg, is it true you had your balls surgically removed?
Yes, the parson he did come, he did come
And he looked so bloody glum, as he talked of Kingdom come
He can kiss my ruddy bum, God damn his eyes.
I’ve a feeling people should try to work out their own problems
Vos dents sont de travers ?
« It’s what the old-timers used to call cabin fever, a kind of claustrophobic reaction which can occur when people are shut in together over a long period of time »
Jeff McCloud: “There never was a bronco that couldn’t be rode, never was a cow-boy that couldn’t be thrown.”
Un peu grossi ?
Des problèmes de cœur
Pretty cool, huh?
[to be off one’s rocker : perdre la boule]
You. You’ve got problems
Sounds like you got a problem