Everybody needs somebody
Category: Feelings
I’m not a nice girl
Je le sens
Feel your pain flowing freely out of your heart and into my hand. — I feel it
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate…
(Shakespeare, Sonnet 18)
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
Tu gardes tes rollers ?
J’ai si froid. Tellement froid
Hi, babe. Long time no see.
Tu m’as manqué
J’ai un boulot. — Déjà ?
Really ? Oh
Vraiment ?
Quel poème ?
Et si rien ne peut ramener la splendeur
Ni la gloire des fleurs
… of glory in the flower,
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind.
What’s useless is never beautiful
Impossible de vous voir
C’est foutu
J’aimerais pouvoir
A horse! A horse!
“A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!” (Shakespeare, Richard III, act V)
And all that hogwash about horses! The loyalty of the horse! The intelligence of the horse! The intelligence? You know a horse has a brain just about the size of a walnut. They’re mean, they’re treacherous and they’re stupid. There isn’t a horse born that had enough sense to move away from a hot fire. No sensible man loves a horse. He tolerates the filthy animal only because riding is better than walking.
Hey, honey, if you could cook, I’d marry you
Vous avez une autre tomate ?
Je déteste les sardines!
Avez-vous goûté du cheval ?
Another thing: did you ever taste horse ? Hasn’t got a gamy flavor. Hasn’t got a beef flavor. It just tastes like horse
Je n’ai plus qu’à attendre
Now all I got to do is wait