Author: denis_neyruda
J’aimerais pouvoir
A horse! A horse!
“A horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!” (Shakespeare, Richard III, act V)
And all that hogwash about horses! The loyalty of the horse! The intelligence of the horse! The intelligence? You know a horse has a brain just about the size of a walnut. They’re mean, they’re treacherous and they’re stupid. There isn’t a horse born that had enough sense to move away from a hot fire. No sensible man loves a horse. He tolerates the filthy animal only because riding is better than walking.
Vous aimez le chocolat ?
Hey, honey, if you could cook, I’d marry you
Qu’elle rôtisse
Vous avez une autre tomate ?
Je déteste les sardines!
Avez-vous faim ?
Avez-vous goûté du cheval ?
Another thing: did you ever taste horse ? Hasn’t got a gamy flavor. Hasn’t got a beef flavor. It just tastes like horse
Je n’ai plus qu’à attendre
Now all I got to do is wait
[Drink] provokes the desire, but it takes away the performance (Macbeth, II, 3)
Du lait plutôt
Redonnez-moi du whisky
Oh, whisky, laisse-moi tranquille!
Oh, whiskey, leave me alone
Remember I must go home
My glass looks so very empty
My heart feels empty too
Would a glass that is full
Make me think she is true
On n’a plus une goutte
Et du champagne. Bien frais
And me, what do I smell of? Blue?
J’étais toute en bleu
Un homme qui sent le cheval les chavire
Women like the smell of a horse on a man : it makes them giggle
29 is the new 16
You’re 32
40 !
Très bien
C’est une merveille
Positively formidable