Author: denis_neyruda
À la revoyure !
Au revoir, as the French say
Dirty bitch
Petite peste
You little beast
Je suis mariée…
Well, I’m married now.
Men have to do strange things sometimes that they don’t like to tell their wives about
“Know what I’d like to do? I’d like to take you dancing. You remind me of my wife.”
Chez moi, on a un fromage unique
Would you like me to make you spaghetti?
Personally, you can give me good American food any day…
J’ai rêvé de patates toute la nuit
And I’ve been dreaming all night about potatoes
Joyeux anniversaire
Joyeux anniversaire
Tu sais où se trouve le Texas ?
Texas, Texas! That’s all you people from Texas can talk about. Texas!
Je suis rapide comme l’éclair
When I move, I move like a streak
The American way : everything in a rush
Nobody blows up Pennsylvania
Heavy, she said. The only trouble with America, it spoils the women
You see, like all women I am romantic
Hey, you throw pretty good for a girl
Si les femmes pouvaient voter
Un jour on pourra voter
You could win every time you want if you only tried
C’est le plus vieux jeu du monde
Et c’était en juin
—What’s your position on a July wedding?
—Oh… July, August, September or October.
—Don’t let me hurry you.